Monday, January 30, 2023

TF Virus Part 6 (ending)

  It was the morning after our wedding that I heard Mom's voice pipe up again.  As I was waking up after a night with my new husband, her voice echoed in my mind.

"It's time.  See you in nine months, Mom!"

I shared the news with Kato as soon as he woke up from our... rather active night.  He was elated that he was going to be a father so soon, and I shared in his excitement for a very different reason.  In some way, I would finally see my birth mother again.

As the months went by, Mom remained mostly silent.  I went through a very normal pregnancy as my mother-turned-offspring grew within me.  Through it all, Kato was the perfect gentleman, always willing to provide whatever I needed at the moment.  I couldn't help but wonder what Mom's experience was like, having a completely new body develop from scratch.

Six months passed, and the ultrasound gave me a picture of my soon-to-be son.  Yes, it turned out that the woman who raised me (the first time) was going to be reborn as a boy.  What would THAT be like, growing up as the opposite gender?  I supposed she would adapt quickly, thanks to the mental effects of the Virus.

Finally, the time came.  My water broke during a fancy dinner with Kato, and I was rushed to the hospital.  It was a long, arduous night of labor, but it was all worth it when I laid my eyes on my baby boy.  They asked what his name would be, and I knew the answer immediately.

"Dion," I answered while holding the tiny newborn to my chest.  In that moment, I resolved to be the best mother I could possibly be.  It was the least I could do for the boy who was once my own mother.

The days with Dion in the maternity ward were the longest of my life.  He had been born with trouble breathing, so they were monitoring him closely.  I didn't sleep well due to my constant worrying, but Kato did his best to keep me as happy as possible.  It turned out that Dion had mild asthma, so while he would need to be watched closely, we were sent home with basic supplies and educational material.

I showed Dion around the house, knowing full well he was asleep for most of the tour.  As I fed him afterward, I looked at the little infant suckling from my breast in wonder.  How was this boy my former mother?  I knew it was her in control of that tiny body, looking through those deep brown eyes.


Months went by, then years, and I watched as my mother-turned-son grew from a tiny infant into the boy he is today.  Dion learned to walk, then run.  Once he learned to talk, it became obvious he was growing into a perfectly normal boy, even if he was a fair bit more intelligent than other children his age.  He was energetic and rambunctious, but never a trouble maker.  He made friends quickly in daycare, and he just started preschool a month ago.  I couldn't more proud of my little man.

It's turning out to be a chilly beginning to October, but that's not going to stop me from bringing Dion to the park.  His rescue inhaler is in my purse just in case, but he never seems to be concerned.  He knows that if he starts having an attack, I'll be right there to help in seconds.

Dion came running to me, holding his right hand in the other.  "Mama, I think I hurt my finger," he said, not even close to being in tears the way many other children would be.  It was amazing how his decades of maturity would show itself from time to time, and this was one of those times.

Sure enough, there was a small cut on his index finger.  I knelt down to his level, pulling a bandage out from my purse.  I carefully wrapped it around Dion's finger, then gave it a little kiss for good measure.  My son's giggling was infectious, and soon enough he was being spun around in my arms while his laughter rang throughout the park.

Dion can't wait to start kindergarten next year, and with my recent positive pregnancy test, he's also looking forward to being a big brother.  Kato's hoping for a girl this time, and Dion and I can't agree more.  With the last TF Virus victim finally transforming - an older man turned into a little girls' skirt, now owned by his 6-year-old granddaughter - we all look to the future in excited anticipation.  After all, there's nowhere to go but up.

This has been Wren, age 26, soon-to-be proud mother of two, signing out.

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