Thursday, August 11, 2022

 Hey everyone, it's me!  Haven't posted here in 5 years, but I've been hard at work over on my DeviantArt page.  I'm not going to upload EVERYTHING all at once, but I'll be slowly adding my newer works over the course of a few weeks at most.  Once I've caught up, I'll be posting new captions and stories here and on DA at the same time.  I might even use this blog as a place for exclusive non-stock photo captions.

For those of you who are returning, you may remember this blog being called 'serebiifreak'.  That was my old DA username, but I'm actually on a new account now, 'cooljolteon'.  However, I want to keep DA and Blogspot two separate entities, so I've gone with Celestial Captions as my new title.  I'll see you either tomorrow or Saturday for part 1 of A Regressed Society!

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