Friday, December 23, 2022

Absorbing Vigilante

  I had been trying to drive my husband away from his racist tendencies for a long time.  They didn't start cropping up until he started his new job, which had a much more racially diverse workforce than his old job as a plumber.  He came home from work one day complaining, saying someone reported him for harassment.  Knowing I wasn't going to get any more specifics from him, I went to his workplace to ask about it.  They told me he had spouted some rather racially charged expletives at an African-American woman who, having just found out she was pregnant from her ex-boyfriend, definitely had enough stress in her life without my husband being an asshole around her.  I sought her out to apologize on his behalf, but she assumed I would be the same way and yelled at me to stay away from her.  Defeated, I headed back home to confront the man I was strongly considering asking for a divorce.  Under no circumstance did I want his ideologies rubbing off on any of our children.

So far, none of them had fallen into their father's racism.  Daxton and Miley, our two oldest, were perfectly fine at 13 and 12 respectively, being two of the sweetest tweens you'll ever meet.  The twins, Kayla and Shayla, were no different, building a vibrant and diverse friend circle around them at 8 years old.  Sage was closest me at only 4, so she wasn't a worry, but Kaiden looked more up to his father as an exceptionally impressionable 5-year-old.  It seemed to me that separating the kids from their father would actually be for the best.

Little did I know how soon that would be happening.  I had noticed a car following me at a distance, but I didn't think much of it, thinking they were just headed in the same direction as me.  I arrived home to find Daxton and Miley had been put in charge while their father went out, probably to a bar to complain to his friends.  I wrangled the other kids to tell them what I had been thinking about.  Before I could get started, I noticed the car from earlier parked in front of the house.  Concerned, I pointed it out to the kids, telling them to head for a different room.  I saw some odd movement inside the car before we could get moving, then...

I woke up in darkness with the voices of my children crying out everywhere around me.  Four of the six found themselves in darkness, with Sage and Kaiden finding themselves in the light of the outside world.  Kaiden was staring unwillingly at the seat of a car, while Sage felt like her body was wrapped around something outside of her control.  No one could move any part of themselves, aside from some pressure being put on the twins as they were pushed downward.  All in all, everything about each of us was completely out of our control, and as our surroundings began moving, I understood a bit more once a muffled, but familiar, voice spoke up.

"Not like you care, but the name's Asha," the woman from the office began.  "Looks like the asshole gets what he deserves, while taking his whole family down with him.  I don't know exactly where any of you ended up, but you're all parts of my body now, and that's all you'll ever be for the rest of my life.  Don't know if ALL of you deserve it, but HE certainly does.  I'll be erasing my memory of this later, so don't fool yourselves into thinking any of you are getting special treatment.  Hope you're all happy with yourselves."

The news sent us into a tizzy, especially as we all tried to figure out what we had been turned into.  The woman, Asha, didn't seem to realize that she didn't get my husband, and she was going to forget what she did later?  Did she have any idea how big of a family she had just doomed to existence as her body parts?

Sage figured out her situation first, her body being used to turn the steering wheel as our host drove home.  She was Asha's right hand, her limbs-turned-fingers wrapped around the rubber wheel, feeling every little twitch of the muscles her body contained.  Meanwhile, the twins realized their surroundings smelled like feet, Daxton and Miley felt their bodies jiggle slightly with the car's movement, and Kaiden dangled from the woman's head in countless strands as I realized what the fishy smell around me meant.

Asha made good on her promise once she got home, quickly casting a spell that removed our transformations from her memory, leaving me and my family to our new fates.  Her bath that night solidified our ideas as to what each of us had turned into, and we all tried to decide what my husband would have been if he had been home.  We quickly decided that he would've ended up as our host's butt, given the way she had referred to him earlier.  Asha tucked into bed, leaving us to our thoughts as we discovered that body parts can't sleep.  We decided that we would try our best to accept our new lives as simple parts of this pregnant African-American woman's body, and just be glad that she was single for the time being.  Kaiden found part of himself sandwiched between Asha's head and pillow, Daxton and Miley's fleshy forms squished into each other, and the rest of us laid mostly motionless under the blanket as the night went on.


Asha's nearly to term now, almost nine months pregnant with fraternal twins.  Her excitement to meet her little boy and girl is obvious to everyone around her, as well as those attached to her without her remembering.  She was confused when my former husband showed up to work, but he was fired as soon as he spouted more racist shit her way, removing him from our host's life once and for all.

It's been eight months since my family and I were transformed into parts of Asha's body.  We've all gotten used to our new stations in life, although I'm uniquely not looking forward to the future.  We try not to have hard feelings toward our host, seeing as she believed she was punishing people who deserved it, but that's kind of hard when she controls every aspect of our existences.

Sage has a rather active life as Asha's right hand.  She was only four when we were transformed, so her mind has adapted to her new body and life pretty well.  Her fingers being manipulated to hold things, write, type, occasionally performing rude gestures to ruder people... She enjoys pretty much all of it, realizing that she could be something that moves less, or stays in the darkness more often.  Winter wasn't easy on Sage as she kept being covered in gloves and mittens, depriving her of vision for extended periods of time.  Her favorite thing is having her nails painted, like the simple white polish that's been recently applied.  She says it makes her feel pretty, like having her hair done back when she was a little girl instead of a grown woman's hand.

Kaiden hangs contentedly from Asha's head, part of him having been pulled back into a ponytail while the rest flows loosely across her shoulders and back.  As her hair, he gets a lot of movement as well, completely at the whim of the wind and our host's head movements.  He likes the attention he gets while being styled, even if being twisted into cornrows hurts for a while.  Being washed isn't exactly his favorite activity, as having the shampoo, conditioner and other hair products lathered onto his strands isn't exactly pleasant for him.  He doesn't like being plastered to her back during showers either, but he still enjoys the fresh, clean feeling after being thoroughly washed, despite the unpleasant process it takes to get to that point.

I think down to Kayla and Shayla's sock-clad forms, supporting Asha's increasing weight from below.  They have to deal with being the pregnant woman's feet, Kayla on the left and Shayla on the right.  Foot sweat, aching and repeated impacts on the floor are what the former 8-year-olds' lives consist of now, and they've been a bit slower to adapt than their younger siblings.  Not like I blame them; as feet, they're routinely left in darkness, confined to socks and shoes on a regular basis.  They've learned to hate heeled shoes, as their bodies are left aching for hours afterward until our host gets around to massaging them, which they reluctantly admit to enjoying.  They don't mind it as much when Asha is at home, as that means they're usually left bare to be able to see.  Nail painting is their favorite activity, rather similar to Sage so far above them, and it's something the three sisters have bonded over.  Kind of nice to hear, honestly.

Daxton and Miley have been the slowest of the kids to adapt to their new bodies, being the oldest of the six.  Finding themselves paired together and attached to the pregnant woman's chest hasn't been easy on their psyche, although Miley has taken it better than her brother.  They get even less light than the twins do, almost always being constricted by whatever bra Asha happens to be wearing that day, and further covered by shirts or dresses.  The constant jiggling and wobbling gets on their nerves as well, and it's just been getting worse as they slowly expand with our host's progressing pregnancy.  They can feel themselves produce breast milk, having absolutely no control compared to Asha's hormones getting their bodies ready for breastfeeding.  Miley is excited to meet the babies, and is even fine with the idea of involuntarily providing nourishment for their growth.  Daxton is less excited, to say the least.

I'm not exactly excited to meet the babies either.  After all, as Asha's vagina, I'm the thing they'll be forced through as they're born, stretched painfully beyond my limits throughout the process.  I should have some idea what it will be like - I've had six kids of my own, after all - but from a vagina's perspective?  It's bad enough having urine jettisoned through me on the toilet several times a day, and even more as time goes on.  Having two human beings pushed through my opening doesn't exactly sound like fun to me.  Not to mention having panties in my face all day and night, rarely being given fresh air for any length of time that isn't immediately followed by being pissed through or being submerged in bath water.  We've definitely decided that I have it worst out of any of us.

Any day now, we will be randomly placed body parts on a new mother instead of a pregnant woman.  I'll be used to give birth, Daxton and Miley will be routinely let out of a maternity bra to breastfeed, Sage will be used to gently hold the babies, and Kaiden, Kayla and Shayla will be along for the ride as well.  I've definitely warned everyone about the screaming and sweating Asha will be doing while giving birth, with Kaiden being ironically the most concerned about his strands being soaked in sweat.  The twins are just glad that she won't be standing on them while it's happening, leaving them to worry the most about my well-being.

I just wish my former husband was here.  Just imagining his fatty, round body being squashed under Asha and involuntarily shit out of while the babies are pushed out of me will definitely help me get through the experience.  After all, he would've deserved it.  And besides, it's HIS fault we're in this situation to begin with.  He always was an asshole; why couldn't he have been there to be turned into one?

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