Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Welcome to my blog!

I'm just another captioneer...with a twist!
Most of my captions have origins in my dreams, where many people get turned into inanimate objects.  Just note that many of these DO involve children.

You can find me in various other places, such as DeviantArt, BraBound and  DA and BB are under the same name as this blog, while my name on is einstein.
I also happen to be on YouTube as a video game Let's Player, but I'm not very good...and my computer won't allow me to save anything in Windows Movie Maker anymore.  I need a new laptop...

For a while, I should be posting pretty regularly, since I'll just be posting what I already have.  This blog will be my safety net for whenever something is taken down from DeviantArt, as one caption already has, as well as if BraBound doesn't return from its current problems.

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